Negative Side Effects Of Meth

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Negative Side Effects Of Meth

Many of those who make crystal meth or methamphetamine from a homemade meth recipe use ingredients extracted from easy to obtain household chemicals and cold medications such as sudaphed or sudaphedrine and ephedrine.

Health Problems From Methamphetamine Abuse

  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Cardiovascular Complications
  • Extreme Anorexia
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Teeth Decay & Tooth Loss
  • Cardac Arrest
  • Sudden Death

Crystal meth, or methamphetamine is also referred to as speed, crank, ice, glass, metafetamine, clouds, crystal, tik, N-methylamphetamine, methylamphetamine, crystal, crystal methamphetamine and amphetamine to name a few.

The negative side effects of crystal meth or methamphetamine are due to the toxic nature of the ingredients in the meth recipe.