Category: Information

Methylphenidate Medications & Drugs For ADD/ADHD & Obesity

Treatment for ADD or attention deficit disorder and ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults using a drug called methylphenidate. Prescriptions For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Methylphenidate was first derived from methamphetamine, but is distinctly different in make


Methylphenidate For Obesity & Weight Loss

Methylphenidate treatment can be a benefit for obesity disorder in men, women and children due to its side effect of hunger suppression which can cause those with moderate or severe obesity not to feel hungry while the medication is in effect.


Methylphenidate For ADD & ADHD In Children & Adults

Methylphenidate has proven successful in treating attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in both children and adults when the medication is prescribed in controlled amounts by a doctor. Benefits For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children or adults with ADD


Meth Ingredients. Recipe Used To Make Crystal Methamphetamine Or Speed

The street names for crystal methamphetamine, or meth are many. Although this isn’t a full list, the most commonly used names on the streets are listed below. Speed, Tik, Crank, Ice, Glass & Other Names The list of ingredients used in


Positive & Negative Effects Of Meth & Methylphenidate

There are some positive effects of amphetamines, also known as Methylphenidate, Methylamphetamine and Desoxyephedrine when correctly prescribed by a doctor in a controlled environment, but when abused methamphetamine can lead to all sorts of health problems and even death. ADD &