The meth recipe ingredients are highly toxic with horrid side effects. Crystal methamphetamine, also known as speed, tik or ice contains ingredients extracted from explosive and toxic household chemicals, which is why the side effects of crystal meth are so bad.
The list of ingredients used in the homemade crystal meth recipe are as follows:
As you can see, the list of ingredients used to make crystal methamphetamine are extremely toxic, and volitile, especially for those just learning how to make or cook the homemade meth recipe.
Many of the ingredients used in the homemade recipe for meth are highly corrosive to the teeth and gums which causes ‘meth mouth’ and bad teeth as well as numerous other side effects.
Some of the street names for crystal meth include methamphetamine, speed, amp, crank, glass, hot ice, super ice, LA glass, LA ice, pink glass, junk, crystal glass, quartz, dope, ice, rock, smack and tweak.
Do you or someone you know need to be free of crystal methamphetamine addiction? Click on the ‘Find A Recovery Group’ link to find a methamphetamine recovery group in your area.